Client projects: Elgiganten

Project facts

Elgiganten Logistics

Jönköping, Sweden

1,300 sq m


Number of employees:
approx. 130

Spring 2022

Change journey with high ratings

The number of employees was on the rise, forcing temporary office solutions that hampered both efficiency and job satisfaction. To resolve the situation, Elgiganten Logistics enlisted the help of Kinnarps’ Next Office® workplace analysis. “The thorough review of our needs and opportunities was key to our entire change journey,” says Technical Manager Andreas Alm.

Elgiganten Logistics in Jönköping used to have its staff spread across several premises. In some places it was cramped, in others, empty, there were no important functions, and neither their formal nor informal meeting spaces were particularly functional. "It wasn't a good situation. Our working environment didn't have a good feel and acted more as an obstacle than a support for our employees. Despite this, we felt that the premises had potential, but that we would need help to make the most of it," says Andreas Alm.


A workplace analysis helps to map and analyse needs and work patterns before designing a new office. With specific tools and workshops, the staff is involved throughout the change journey to create engagement and participation. Based on the results, recommendations are given regarding the layout, space allocation and working methods. Read more about our workplace analysis Next Office® here.

The layout of the environment was rather traditional, with small office rooms and open-plan offices. The management group was seated far from the rest of the organisation and the conference rooms were not suited to today's way of working and meeting. "Efficiency, creativity and job satisfaction were hampered, and we also saw a lack of community, collaboration and knowledge sharing between departments. From an HR perspective, it is important that we are an attractive employer if we are to recruit and retain staff. The working environment is a crucial factor in ensuring that our employees are happy and healthy," says Elgiganten Logistic’s Head of HR Marie-Louise Gotmark.

Though they had the insight, the company needed guidance to move forward. Not least, they realised that they would have to start from scratch. Andreas Alm heard about Next Office®, Kinnarps’ workplace analysis for developing business adapted working environments. The method entails mapping and analysing the business' needs and work patterns, involving the management team and employees in the change process and, using this knowledge as the basis, creating sustainable working environments for the long term.

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The new office has several workstations in rooms where you can work individually with a high level of focus. Series P table with Vibe screen and Capella task chair.

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A digital booking system makes it easy for employees to find and book free spaces in the facility.

"The workplace analysis laid the foundation for the entire project. To succeed, we knew that we needed to make a change journey and get all our employees to understand and buy into it."

Andreas Alm, Technical Manager at Elgiganten Logistics

From workplace analysis to follow-up

The analysis was kicked off in the spring of 2020. Here, Kinnarps’ workplace strategists guided the management team to establish the vision, goals and framework of the project. The efforts continued with the mapping of needs and habits. Kinnarps got the staff involved through several lectures, workshops and a web survey. This helped identify the organisation’s work patterns, capture ideas, challenges and opportunities and got the entire team moving in the same direction.

Kinnarps also did a current situation analysis of the office based on the factors of productivity and creativity, collaboration, well-being, acoustics, light and air quality. The results were compiled and presented to Elgiganten in a final report in the summer of 2020. "We got rather low ratings, which convinced us even further that the investment was right and necessary. The analysis also provided important insights into what the employees lacked and which functions we needed to enhance," says Marie-Louise Gotmark.

In the fall of 2020, the next phase began when Kinnarps’ interior designers were tasked with developing a design concept and an interior design solution based on the results of the final report and the management’s vision, goals and framework. In 2021, the premises were rebuilt, and in the spring of 2022, it was time for Kinnarps to implement the solution. Lastly, Kinnarps conducted a follow-up in order to analyse the results of the change.

Timeline – the analysis leads the way



The workplace analysis is carried out.



The results of the analysis are compiled and presented to Elgiganten.



A design concept and an interior design solution are produced based on the results of the final report.


Entire year

The premises are rebuilt.



Kinnarps implements the solution in Elgiganten’s new premises and conducts an evaluation.


High and low seating are combined in the work lounge. Here you can have a cup of coffee with colleagues, sit down and go through a few emails or have a short meeting. Vagabond table, Motus stool, Motus chair, Vibe partition screens, Point sofa, Matsumoto table, Fields pouffes, Neo Lite easy chairs.

An office people want to go to

The employees at Elgiganten Logistics have the opportunity to work from home two days a week and are expected to be in the office three days a week. Andreas Alm doesn't believe this arrangement would have worked in the former office with personal workstations. In the new business adapted space, the office is divided into three zones intended for different levels of focused work. In the high focus zone, you work completely undisturbed in noise-insulated rooms. For work that requires semi-focus, you sit in spaces that are somewhat screened off, but not completely silent and insulated. In the active zone, such as the lounge, you get positive energy from conversations and other ambient noises.

"We’ve created welcoming spaces for both formal and informal meetings. Considering how remote working has developed during and after the pandemic, the office needs to provide more than just a workstation. It should entice people to come in to work and get together with their colleagues. I think everyone finds it more fun to be at work now and that they have got to know more of their colleagues."

Marie-Louise Gotmark, Head of HR at Elgiganten Logistics


Design with "Småland" as the theme

Developed in collaboration with Kinnarps and based on the organisation’s location in Småland in Sweden, the theme developed for the interior design also contributes to the positive experience. Earthy colours and natural materials reflect the space and create a personalised environment. For example, pure wood surfaces and colour choices such as moss and meadow, blueberries and lingonberries, lakes and granite are a nod to the surroundings. "It has been extremely important for employees to feel pride and a sense of belonging. We’re based in Jönköping, Småland in Sweden, which we want to be visible when you enter our premises," says Andreas Alm.


Holistic approach to ergonomics

The concept is coordinated through Kinnarps’ total solution, which takes into account the overall ergonomics of the workplace. Height-adjustable desks for work and meeting spaces make it easy to switch between sitting and standing. The workstations have adjustable task chairs with the highest level of ergonomics, providing each individual with a good working position. The meeting spaces have upholstered furnishings for good comfort even during longer meetings. There are also stools among the furnishings that offer more active sitting, and there is an office gym with treadmills and desk bikes.

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Mid-sized meeting space with the Xact chair and Nexus table.

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Small meeting room with Pax chair and Uni table.

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The workstations in the high focus zone have been furnished with the Series P desk, Plus task chair and Vibe sound absorbers.

Curious about how ergonomics can enhance your working environment?

Explore holistic ergonomics

Having a bookable room with two workstations facilitates things like project work. Nexus table, 5000 chair, Cap stools.

Doubled the ratings

The positive change can be seen in the follow-up analysis carried out with the help of Kinnarps when the new office had been in use for about six months. The employees’ ratings of the office and the new way of working rose significantly. The rating of how well the environment supports focused and creative work nearly doubled – and the rating regarding collaboration between departments rose by more than 100 percent!

“It proves just how crucial a workplace analysis is when you’re about to change your office. By basing what we do on solid mapping and knowledge, we can create customised solutions that support the actual needs of the business. The investment in these solutions lasts over time," says Henrik Axell, head of workplace strategy and responsible for Kinnarps Next Office®.

The follow-up analysis shows that the rating of the office has gone up from 4.0 to 7.0. Kinnarps’ Next Office® workplace analysis collects data that makes it easy to follow up on how different areas are functioning.

"We’ve had an interior design solution tailored exactly to our needs and the activities that take place here, and we know that we’ll be able to grow with this solution. This gives us both a sustainable organisation and sustainable employees. We also know that we have invested in high quality as Kinnarps' interior design can be maintained and renovated to ensure a long lifecycle. This also makes it economically and environmentally sustainable."

Andreas Alm, Technical Manager at Elgiganten Logistics

Textiles have created a meeting space in an open space – an effective way to optimise space flexibly. Fendo meeting chair and Vibe screen on castors with whiteboard. On the right is a break area. The Fields armchair with its high back invites you to make phone calls, for example. Hopper table, Vibe screen on castors with whiteboard.

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